Sunday, June 15, 2008

If he's not asking you out, he's just not that into you.

REPEAT: "IF HE'S NOT ASKING YOU OUT.... HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!!" At the risk of having this non Sex and the City blog turn all Carrie Bradshaw on me, this is the subject of today's post. The inspiration comes from the disappointment that this phrase is one I need to accept, AGAIN. I have been thinking about this one in-particular guy for a couple of weeks now. I asked my mom about it, even my preppy best man-friend. Both of them were excited that I was showing interest in someone, and were giving me advice on what to do since I am feeling rather unsavvy when it comes to guys lately. He is someone I have known for awhile and never really noticed until recently.
Side note: I have always considered myself good at flirting. What I didn't know was that I am good at flirting with people I have ABSOLUTELY no interest in. I become MUTE, when a guy that I like walks into the room. Sometimes, I even avoid them. Thus, he has no idea I even care he is alive. Funny how that works.
Carrying on....
So, the advice from my preppy best man-friend was to effing show the guy some attention. FLIRT A LITTLE. Touch his arm. Show him your pretty teeth. Whatever... just do something. So, I DID. And had a great night doing it too. His advice was to do this, and see if he asked me out.
2 weeks later.... there has been no "ask out".
Like any girl would do, I followed it up with all the reasons he might want to ask me out, but hasn't. Like, maybe he is shy. Maybe he doesn't want to ruin a good friendship. All the while in my head, I am thinking, "that is total bull-sh*t, I know".
Its the same story, different guy. He's not asking me out, therefore, he is just not that into me. It is always disappointing in the exact same way every time. You run through questions like,
"well why the heck not! I am GREAT!"
You just start over analysing yourself to the maximum and it is always a heartbreaking process. Then, I remind myself to follow my own advice. The advice I give to my very best friends when they are experiencing similar or different situations. It goes a little like this.
"K, remember God's plan. Remember that he has a guy for you that he is molding and creating into the perfect match for you, just as he is molding and preparing you for him. If this guy was it, you would know it. If THIS GUY, was the guy that God wants for you, then right now is not the time you are meant to be together. Be thankful that if this guy was NOT it, that he passed over you (almost) painlessly. Be THANKFUL that you did not waste any of your time, figuring out what you already know. Instead, be HOPEFUL. Be excited. Be excited because something greater than you can imagine is coming your way in the form of Gods plan for you. In the meantime, stay peaceful. "RELAX YOUR SOUL" (credit to the sis for this one). Practice patience and when the right one comes you will feel even more at peace and reassured that this one is IT.
To all my singles out there. Stay hopeful.

1 comment:

Joelle said...

LOVE it K.
Oh why are we girls ... such ... GIRLS??? The far-fetched (and not so far-fetched) stories we convince ourselves with to keep hope. It amazes me at the imaginations we girls have. Absolutely. Amazes.
Good words.

Um and PS.
You ARE great. And deserve a guy that will pursue you before you have to make efforts with him. It just takes one. (Yes...I have to pull the same "Joelle, TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE thing on those words I just gave you...."

Loves. :D